When it's destroyed, Playa's avatar is once again a sex doll, but they have still retained their Cyber Buster.
Once the player has adjusted to the controls, a full on assault is the best way to stop the other tank. Once they're all dead, the screen fades to black and Playa is teleported into a blue ASP, and the objective is to destroy a green tank. This section of gameplay, where players control an ASP, is a reference to Atari's 1974 video game Tank. The most effective way to clear this area out is to try to keep still and use fully charged shots. Once there, there is another group of Deckers while Miller bombards Playa with data, in effect "lagging" the player, which is marked by an icon of an hourglass onscreen. Now, head onwards to the anti-virus, again killing the Deckers along the way. There is no penalty for failure, and readers of this wiki can also play along, but for those wanting to speed through the mission, the correct order for solving the text adventure is: Take Torch, Keep Walking, Keep Walking, Kill the Unicorn. There is a short text adventure in which the goal is to kill a unicorn and avoid being killed by flagstones. Killing the enemies here is not completely necessary once near the exit, players can simply run to the firewall to initiate the next part of the mission. Matt Miller physically slows down Playa's speed here, marked by an icon of a snail on-screen. Before reaching the firewall, players must traverse a maze of sorts which homes Decker Specialist.
Follow the path and kill any Deckers that present themselves, making use of cover if health gets too low. The Cyber Buster has two fire modes, either firing in quick succession or charging to instantly kill almost any enemy. Continue ever onwards and eventually Playa's avatar is visually fixed and the Cyber Buster is equipped. Listen to the conversation and head on until the avatar becomes a sex doll. Once inside the Deckers Use-Net, Playa's avatar is a toilet. Go to Kinzie's Hideout Move through the data Get to the firewall Instead, a respectful Killbane allows him to leave, stating that Miller can "list as a reference, anytime". Miller gives Playa a choice to be set up as a high-priority client for Rim Jobs or Friendly Fire, allowing them discounts on either Vehicle Customization or Weapon Upgrades respectively in turn, Playa lets Miller walk away.Īt 3 Count Casino, a nervous Miller informs Killbane of his decision to leave Steelport and The Syndicate, recalling the fate of Kiki DeWynter when she tried to leave The Syndicate in the presence of Killbane. The two fight through the use of their avatars and ultimately Playa emerges the victor. Playa heads further and further inside and, despite facing extremely heavy resistance from the Deckers, eventually reaches Matt Miller. Kinzie Kensington has Playa invade the Deckers Use-Net and corrupt it from inside. Now in possession of both the supercomputer and NEMO Chair, the Saints are now ready to finish the Deckers.